"Bushido" 新渡戸稲造 で精読


My attempt is rather to relate, firstly, the origin and sources of our chivalry; secondly, its character and teaching; thirdly, its influence among the masses; and, fourthly, the continuity and permanence of its influence.

✅ is rather to


→ A good name is rather to be chosen. 富より名声を選ぶべきである

Bu-shi-do means literally Military-Knight-Ways—the ways which fighting nobles should observe in their daily life as well as in their vocation; in a word, the "Precepts of Knighthood," the noblesse oblige of the warrior class.

✅ noble

  1. (especially in former times) a person of noble rank or birth.

✅ in former times → 以前、昔

✅ observe


verb. fulfill or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation)

e.g.) a tribunal must observe the principles of natural justice.

✅ precet

Example is better than precept. 《諺》 実例は教訓にまさる.

I may be allowed henceforth to use the word in the original. The use of the original term is also advisable for this reason, that a teaching so circumscribed and unique, engendering a cast of mind and character so peculiar, so local, must wear the badge of its singularity on its face; then, some words have a national timbre so expressive of race characteristics that the best of translators can do them but scant justice, not to say positive injustice and grievance.

✅ henceforth → from now on or from that time

  • 今に限らず、今問題になってるポイントから「今後」という意味。
  • 文語なので堅い文にしか使われない。

✅ a circumscribed/inscribed circle → 外接円/内接円

  • 元の意味はcircumscribe=restrict sth within limits

✅ endenger = cause, generate, give rise to

  • 後ろにはfeeling or situationがfollowする。

This policy will engender great economic growth.

Compassion often engenders love. 同情からよく恋愛が生まれる.

✅ timbre → 音色、音質

  • フランス語から来ている
  • 発音はtˈæmbɚ, tím‐|‐bə

✅ not to say ○○ → 〇〇とは言わないまでも

  • not to mention ○○, not to speak of ○○, to say nothing of ○○ と混同しないように。

✅ grievance → complaintとかresentmentのこと。

  1. an official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair.

"three pilots have filed grievances against the company"

✅ a/one's cast of mind → mental tendency 気質

Bushido, then, is the code of moral principles which the knights were required or instructed to observe. It is not a written code; at best it consists of a few maxims handed down from mouth to mouth or coming from the pen of some well-known warrior or savant.

✅ code


  1. a set of rules and standards adhered to by a society, class, or individual

e.g.) a stern code of honor


✅ adhere to (law, principle, ...) → 〇〇を固く守る

✅ maxim → 格言、金言

✅ savant → 学識豊富な人、学者 の意味。

More frequently it is a code unuttered and unwritten, possessing all the more the powerful sanction of veritable deed, and of a law written on the fleshly tablets of the heart.

✅ all the more → ますます、いっそう、(〇〇な理由があるから)なおさらより一層

The girl admired him all the more for his admission of weakness. 彼が弱点を自認しているので少女はますます彼に感心した.

His helplessness makes me want to help him all the more. 彼は困っているのでなおさら私は彼を助けてやりたい.

✅ sanction → 制裁

✅ veritable → 「真の、正真正銘の」という訳が多いが、というよりは「まさに天国だ」「まるで地獄のようだ」のような使い方をすることが多い。

✅ deed

  1. 立派な行い
  2. 正式に署名した証書

do a good deed 善行をする.

do a good conductも同じ意味だが、deedの方が特に立派なイメージがある。conductは道徳的な視点がある。